Inspiration Lost

The laugh and the cry of a child unborn,

Waiting for its time to shine and glow.

It never happens the way we wish

But it always goes as the higher plan is.


It is never the way it once seemed to be;

Come what may, we sit right here.

After a while nothing matters:

Only few stars still shine when the sun leaves.


The leaves of spring die so soon

Before winter can see them once again;

It brings up hope back in spring

To die again, once again.


It knows not the rapture of hello,

Only the hugs of goodbye.

Everything it has tried to bring to peace,

Thunder takes out from the root and from sight.


It goes like this in everyone’s life:

and the electricity went off and I lost my inspiration.

“Gaza Writes Back”, paperback

Gaza Writes Back: Short Stories from Gaza, Palestine

GWB cover tweak #1

Gaza Writes Back: Short Stories from Young Writers in Gaza, Palestine, edited by Refaat Alareer is a compelling collection of short stories from fifteen young writers in Gaza, members of a generation that has suffered immensely under Israel’s siege and blockade. Their experiences, especially during and following Israel’s 2008-2009 offensive known as “Operation Cast Lead”, have fundamentally impacted their lives and their writing. Indeed, many of these writers saw the war as a catalyst for their writing, as they sought an outlet and a voice in its aftermath. They view the book as a means of preserving Palestinian memories and presenting their own narratives to the world without filters. Their words take us into the homes and hearts of moms, dads, students, children, and elders striving to live lives of dignity, compassion, and meaning in one of the world’s most embattled communities. (Some of the stories also take us…

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Forever, For How Long?

After every picture we take, 

Each of us takes a different path; 

A smile left for dust to have;

In a frame, captured as a past. 


We’d laugh and sing for a while,

But we all know it doesn’t last:

Only a glimpse hope which fades in no time.


We can jump around all day,

Eventually back to our beds for sleep;

It takes more than a photo to keep 

Our love strong, to make us believe;

It takes more than posing for time never pauses.


Can you hear my heart following the beats of your steps? 

With every step you take farther, 

My heart beats faster. 

It needs more than seconds of passing years;

If you are here, be here to stay.


Friends for life only works when we really need it,

Really want it.

Forever ends tonight:

Forever never happens the second we say forever.